
mlb gameday display in terminal

Primary LanguagePython

⚾ mlb-gameday-terminal ⚾

Final Game Output Screenshot


  1. Get live data
run.sh nym
  1. Watch live data, updated every minute
run.sh nym 60

⚠️ watch command must be installed for automatic refresh

ℹ️ You can search for a team by any term that partially matches exactly one team by either name, location, or abbreviation.

Install Requirements

If you ran quickstart script, this was done already.

  1. Create virtual env
$ python -m venv env
  1. Activate virtual env
$ source env/bin/activate
  1. Install packages
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Query for Game Data

  1. Activate virtual env (see install above)
  2. Run script


$ python run.py query --team nym

Past Game

$ python run.py query --team nym --date 2019-09-27

Auto Update

$ watch -t -d -n 60 "python run.py query --team nym"

⚠️ watch command is not automatically installed

Update Teams List

By default teams with the names, abbreviations, and IDs are stored in teams.py. In the unlikely event you need to update that list, run the following...

$ python fetch_team_ids.py > teams.py

Use Sample Data

Repo includes past games in certain states in games.p for easier debugging and development.

Save Sample Game

$ python run.py save --team nym --date 2019-09-27 --name pete-alonso

List Available Sample Games

$ python run.py load

Load Sample Game

$ python run.py load --name pete-alonso



usage: run.py query [-h] --team TEAM [--date DATE] [--select {all,first,second,smart}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --team TEAM           team search term partical match for name, location, or abbreviation
  --date DATE           YYYY-MM-DD date to find game for, default today
  --select {all,first,second,smart}
                        filter games list


python run.py save --help
usage: run.py save [-h] --team TEAM [--date DATE] --name NAME

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --team TEAM  team search term partical match for name, location, or abbreviation
  --date DATE  YYYY-MM-DD date to find game for, default today
  --name NAME  Save raw game data with input name to test with later


python run.py load --help
usage: run.py load [-h] [--name NAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --name NAME  Load raw game data with input name instead of querying
  --select {all,first,second,smart}
                        filter games list