
Front-end for Unsplash Search API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Unsplash Search API Front-End

Simple light-weight front-end for the Unsplash image search API.


To run this project:

  1. Rename .env.example to .env
  2. Set the value of the REACT_APP_UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY environment variable to your Unsplash API Access Key
  3. Run yarn install
  4. Run yarn start


  • Using React because of the great ecosystem and tooling (fan of StencilJS and Web Componentns, as well)
  • Using Zustand as a light-weight store to encapsulate fetching and response data
  • Using CSS variables (kind of) to establish design tokens for a consistent theme
  • Simple flexible grid layout using CSS grid (images restricted to squares for appearance)
  • Input field searches as user types rather than on submit (easier and more intuitive, in my opinion)
  • Responsive layout (for the most part)

Future Considerations

Just a few things I would do with more time.


  • Rewrite in TypeScript
  • Add tests
  • Add browser polyfills
  • Add prop types
  • Improve accessibility
  • Create GitHub Actions workflow for GitHub Pages CI/CD
  • Expand theme (add dark theme)


  • Accommodate various image sizes while maintaining consistent grid spacing
  • Debounce/throttle API calls (maybe prevent searching while typing)
  • Improve loading, error, and empty images states
  • Add a button to clear the input field