
PowerShell script that gathers data about logons and logoffs from Event Logs.

Primary LanguagePowerShellOtherNOASSERTION


Gets recent logons/logouts from the Windows Security Log on the local machine, and outputs them as custom PowerShell objects.



Use Get-Help .\Get-LogonHistory.ps1 for more information.


A PowerShell module containing a function that takes logon data and pipes it into a PostgreSQL database. It was necessary to make this a function instead of a script so it could handle pipeline input.


To use the function, first import the module into your PowerShell session by using the Import-Module cmdlet, e.g.

Import-Module '\\path\to\Export-Logons-ToPgSQL.psm1'

You can then call the function as if it were a cmdlet itself, e.g.

Export-Logons-ToPgSQL -UserName 'bob' -ComputerName 'LAB1' -LogonType 'console' `
					  -Action 'logon' -TimeStamp [DateTime]'2013-02-10 10:50:00'


ODBC drivers must be installed (these can be obtained from PostgreSQL.org) and an ODBC Data Source named Pgsql_logondb must be configured to connect to the target database.

The script assumes the following database schema:

TABLE logons(username VARCHAR(20), compname VARCHAR(20),\n
			 logontype VARCHAR(10), action VARCHAR(10), date DATE,\n
			 time TIME, PRIMARY KEY (username,compname,action,date,time))

Use Get-Help Export-Logons-ToPgSQL after importing the module for more information.