
Example of using Java Spark microframework with jOOQ and Vertabelo in building REST todo-app

Primary LanguageJava


Example of using Java Spark(http://sparkjava.com/) microframework with jOOQ(http://www.jooq.org/) and Vertabelo(http://www.vertabelo.com/) in building REST todo-app


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/pdybka-ep/spark-jooq-todoapp.git

  2. Create a database in PostgreSQL database

  3. In pom.xml configure the PostgreSQL driver, database url, username, and password

  4. Place your database configuration in TodoCRUD.java

  5. Run maven command

    mvn clean install

The blog post related to this example you can find here: http://www.vertabelo.com/blog/technical-articles/how-to-create-a-spark-rest-api-with-jooq