Recommending Web Articles


JSON file with 3 columns (body, title, category) Each article falls into one of three categories:

  • Engineering,
  • Product & Design,
  • Startups and Business


  • In order to extract features from the text we can use (Bag of Words, N_grams or TF-IDF). And to cluster our categories into subcategories, we can either use the title, or the article body. So, I examined combinations of the above.
  • I could reach a classifier accuracy of 85% using TF-IDF on the body, and using the XGBoost Classifier.
  • For the Subcategory Clusters, I got different results, but saved those created using BOW on the titles, as I believe titles are more intuitive and representative in clustering, and I think BOW works best with titles than the TF-IDF method.

Data Cleaning

  • Check for NaNs
  • Check for Duplicates
  • Text Preprocessing

Supervised Part

Built a Supervised Learning Model (Classifier) and achieved an accuracy of 85%, using the full article body.

Unsupervised Part

Clustered each of the 3 category to SubCategories