Small rock-paper-scissors game

Primary LanguageRuby


Small Rock-Paper-Scissors game

Lauch instructions:

  1. Install Ruby 2.5.3 or yonger https://gorails.com/setup/ubuntu/18.04#ruby
  2. Install Rails 5.2 https://gorails.com/setup/ubuntu/18.04#rails
  3. Clone this repo and git checkout rock-paper-scissors-game
  4. Install bundler and make bundle install
  5. Create .env file in the project root and add
  RPS_API_URL=<rps api url goes there>
  RPS_TEST_API_URL =< rps mock api url goes there>

Replace text in "<>" with valid RPS urls from https://curbrockpaperscissors.docs.apiary.io/ 6. Launch rails s and open localhost:3000 in your Browser

To run tests run rails test in terminal
