
All-in-one bundle of MISP, TheHive and Cortex

MIT LicenseMIT

mthc mthc

mthc orginally came from MISP, TheHive and Cortex. It is intentionally built to automatically deploy MISP, TheHive and Cortex in one shot. By the way, due to limitiation from each platform, I cannot find a way truly automate the build process without manual configuration. Some processes such as registration and grabbing/providing API keys still required human interaction.

mthc comes with built-in reverse proxy that can be used to support either plain HTTP or HTTP with SSL/TLS. FiloSottile/mkcert provides a simple way to generate locally trusted certificates for testing.


mthc depends on components to build. These are including my misp-docker, TheHive image, Cortex image in mandatory.

To ensure about project's integrity, mthc is configured for build verification test by Actions workflow. All dependencies are pulled, built and checked each of service' status every month. I will be notified if something goes wrong.


See Deployment page on Wiki for deployment instructions and require parameters
