
Output time spent on projects with specific title tags

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Harvest Tag Reporting

Output time spent on projects with specific title tags. Useful when your client wants a breakdown of time spent on each of their clients.


Tags appear at the beginning of the project name. Each one is enclosed in square brackets. There is a maximum of 3 tags.

For example:

[tag 1][tag 2][tag 3] Project Name
[Nike] Website Build
[Nike] iPhone App
[Burberry][JC7682] Android App
[Burberry][JC2234][Christmas] Christmas Campaign 

We can then find out how much time was spent on Nike and Burberry by specifying that we'd like to group by tag 1.

After running node index.js the prompt will ask a series of questions:

  • Email and password: the ones you login to Harvest with
  • Subdomain: The first part of your Harvest domain. I.e. peabay is the subdomain of peabay.harvestapp.com
  • fromDate: The date to collect hours from
  • toDate: The date to collect hours until
  • Tag to group: The tag number (1-3)
  • Round, roundup or none: Whether to round entries, round up entries or apply no rounding. This should match the setting in Harvest
  • Round to 6, 15 or 30 minutes: The minutes to round to. This should match the setting in Harvest

On completion each unique tag will be listed along with the number of hours spent on it.


  • Reporting is for one user only - the one logging in