
A chatbot using openWakeWord, Whisper.cpp, Llama.cpp and TTS

Primary LanguagePython



Smart speaker designed to replace the big tech alternatives. The heavy lifting is designed to be done by a server with a GPU running Llama.cpp, Whisper.cpp and TTS, and a Raspberry Pi does the audio input and output, as well as control any peripherals like RF transceivers.



  • Wake words ("Hey Doogle")
  • Voice chat and text chat
  • Functions using LLM
    • Control 433 Mhz remote control sockets
    • Internet radio
    • Timer
    • Volume control
  • Functions using wake words ("Lights on")
  • Functions that populate the prompt (like the time)
  • Designed for reSpeaker 4-Mic Array
  • Easy server setup with Docker Compose




  • Nvidia GPU and the necessary drivers installed, including Nvidia Container Toolkit
  • Docker
  1. Install Nvidia drivers
  2. Install NVIDIA Container Toolkit
  3. Clone the repository to your server
  4. Edit the dockerfiles as necessary (such as changing the models used, cuda versions, etc.)
  5. Run docker compose up -d
  6. Open port 4000 on your server

Tested with:

  • Debain
  • RTX 3080 Ti
  • MSI X570-A PRO
  • 16GB RAM



  • Python 3
  • Pip


It's assumed that the user of the Raspberry Pi is called doogle. If not, replace doogle with the username of the user. By default it's pi.

Clone the repository to /home/doogle.

Install Python 3 as a virtual environment and the necessary Python packages for Doogle.

cd /home/doogle/doogle/chatbot

chmod +x chat.py

python3 -m venv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure the Raspberry Pi to login automatically at boot.

sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

In the [Seat:*] section of the file, add or modify the following lines:


Configure Doogle to start at login.

echo "/home/doogle/doogle/chatbot/run_chatbot.sh" >> ~/.bashrc chmod +x /home/dooglecam/run_stream.sh

Install some optional packages to do with functions.

For the radio:

sudo apt install vlc

Reboot the Raspberry Pi.

sudo reboot


Install dependencies

sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get install vlc

In the [Seat:*] section of the file, add or modify the following lines:


Configure Doogle Cam to start at login.

echo "/home/dooglecam/run_stream.sh &" >> ~/.bashrc echo "/home/dooglecam/run_cam.sh &" >> ~/.bashrc

Install BMP280 Barometric Pressure Sensor if added

Instructions: https://iotstarters.com/configuring-bmp280-sensor-with-raspberry-pi


To add a function, create a new item in functions.json.

Command-type function

"lightsOn": {
  "type": "command",
  "prompt": "force turn on the lights",
  "triggerWords": ["lights", "light"],
  "command": ".venv/bin/python3 functions/transmit.py 4543573 -p 433 && python3 functions/transmit.py 4527445 -p 433"
  • index: the text ID of the function
  • prompt: the prompt to be added to the chatbot when the function is triggered by the triggerWord
  • triggerWords: When any of these words are spoken by the user, the function prompt will be added. This allows for many functions without bogging down the request with a long prompt.
  • command: The command to run when the function is triggered.

Environment-type function

"time": {
  "type": "environment",
  "prompt": "The time is [function_response]",
  "command": "python3 functions/time.py"
  • index: the text ID of the function
  • prompt: the prompt to be added to the chatbot
  • command: The command to run, [function_response] will be replaced with the output of the command

Wakeword-type function

"turnTheLightsOn": {
  "type": "wakeword",
  "model": "doogle_lights_on",
  "command": ".venv/bin/python3 functions/transmit.py 4543573 -p 433 && python3 functions/transmit.py 4527445 -p 433"
  • index: the text ID of the function
  • model: the name of the model to use for the wake word contained in the models directory
  • command: The command to run when the function is triggered.

Respeaker Setup

The Doogle chatbot can be used with a standard USB microphone, but it's designed to work with the ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array for Raspberry Pi. This is a 4-microphone array that can be used to detect the direction of sound and provides VAD capabilities. It's also a speaker, so it can be used to play audio.

Give user permission to use the Repspeaker

  • lsusb and find vendor ID and product ID (e.g. 2886:0018)
  • sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules
  • Add SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="2886", ATTR{idProduct}=="0018", MODE="0666"
  • sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
  • sudo udevadm trigger


Update DOOGLE_DEBUG in .env to toggle debugging. Logs are stored in chat.log and cleared on each boot.