
Learning to use Ruby on Rails

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails learning

This project is my attempt to learn Ruby on Rails. I have mostly been following the tutorial here.

Running the project locally

1. Run a Postgres instance

You will need a Postgres database running. A docker-compose.yml file is provided for this purpose. You will need Docker and Docker Compose to use this.

Start the Postgres DB docker container:

docker-compose up --detach db

This docker container is configured with default username/db/password postgres which matches the defaults in config/database.yml. If you want to connect to your own instance, or an instance hosted somewhere else, update the values in config/database.yml or export the referenced environment variables (POSTGRES_HOST, POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD etc).

2. Running the app

Once you have a DB running you can run the project with the following commands:

# Install project dependencies
bundle install;

# Start the development server
rails server;

If you don't have a local Ruby on Rails dev environment (bundle, ruby, gem, yarn etc.) a docker container is provided for local development also:

docker-compose up --detach --build app

NOTE: You only need --build if Gemfile or Gemfile.lock have changed.

This will build and run a container with all the tools required to run the development server and run the project. This container is configured to connect to the DB also running in the same Docker Compose stack. If you wish to connect to a different DB instance you will need to edit the environment variables in docker-compose.yml under the 'app' service.

Documentation / resources


  • Put validation on comment posting
  • Remove stuff that isn't relevant (e.g. Mailer stuff ??)
  • Some kind of authorization
  • Edit comments
  • Add tests / make tests pass
  • Document how this all hangs together
  • What's the expected way of passing data into a partial?
  • How do forms know where to POST their data to?
  • Add JSON views