
A MIPS Assembler written in Scala and using functional programming

Primary LanguageScala

Works with most MIPS instructions (see list below) and supports all formats (I, R, J). Supports for new instructions can be easily added by editing ParserSelection.scala

How to Use

From List

val lines = List("MY_INSTRUCTION_1", "MY_INSTRUCTION_2", ...)
val bin = Assembler.parseToBin(lines) // For binary string output
val hex = Assembler.parseToHex(lines) // For hex string output

From File

  • Write MIPS commands in a file under the res folder.
  • Scala code:
Assembler.parseFile("MY_FILE.txt", "output.txt")

In this case, you would find the output file under res/output.txt.


List of supported instructions

  • nop
  • addi
  • addiu
  • andi
  • ori
  • xori
  • slti
  • sltiu
  • beq
  • bne
  • blt
  • bge
  • add
  • addu
  • sub
  • subu
  • and
  • or
  • xor
  • sllv
  • srlv
  • slt
  • sltu
  • srav
  • sll
  • srl
  • sra
  • lw
  • sw
  • j
  • jal

List of supported formats

  • Registers: t, r and zero (ex: t1, r6)
  • Immediate: int and hex (ex: 42, 0x666)
  • LW and SW commands are used the same way as any I-instructions, it does NOT support the following format:
    • lw/sw t2 0x4(zero)
    • Instead use: lw/sw t2 0x4 (immediate = base + offset)