Voice patches for PC games Sora/Zero/Ao no Kiseki.
NOTE: This projcet is licensed under the GPLv3. You MUST copy, distribute and/or modify any code or binaries from this projcet under this license. See LICENSE for details.
You can get built files in Release, or build them with VS2017 (Desktop development with c++).
NOTE: No games' files would be overwritten.
- Copy dinput8.dll to
<Game Root>/
. - Copy ed_voice.dll to
<Game Root>/voice/
. - Copy Voice Scripts(.bin(Zaro/Ao) or ._SN(Sora)) to
<Game Root>/voice/scena/
(NOTE:NOT NEED to copy them to<Game Root>/data/scena/
(Zaro/Ao) or pack them as.dat/.dir
(Sora)). - Extract voice files(.at9) from the Vita edition game, convert them to ogg (at9 -> wav -> ogg), then copy them to
<Game Root>/voice/ogg/
(ch0123456789.at9 should be converted to ch0123456789.ogg) - (For Zaro/Ao no Kiseki) Copy ogg.dll, vorbis.dll and vorbisfile.dll to
<Game Root>/voice/dll/
. - (For Trails in the Sky series published by Xseed) Copy SoraDataEx.ini to
<Game Root>/voice/
. - Launch your game.
ZeroAoVoiceScripts is a project about Voice Scripts of
Zero no Kiseki & Ao no Kiseki. Voice Scripts for Chinese PC version games are done.
But, Voice Scripts for Sora no Kiseki series are not finished yet. So voice patches for Sora no Kiseki series
are not available now.
For Sora no Kiseki/Trails in the Sky series, you can use dsound.dll instead of dinput8.dll, in case that you couldn't use dinput8.dll for some reasons (e.g. another MOD also use dinput8.dll).
The voice patch's configuration file is <Game Root>/voice/ed_voice.ini
It will be created after the game launched. And some configurations can be changed
by hotkeys during game playing. Check the configuration file with a text editor for
more details.
As a default setting, voice patch will automaticly advance dialogs.
And the dialog's SE will be diabled if the dialog has voice.
For more details about these features, check the configuration file ed_voice.ini
Game Title | Publisher | Version | Language |
Zero no Kiseki | Joyoland | 1.1 | Chinese Simplified |
JOYO Platform | Chinese Simplified | ||
Ao no Kiseki | Joyoland | 1.0 | Chinese Simplified |
JOYO Platform | Chinese Simplified | ||
Sora no Kiseki FC | YLT | Final | Chinese Simplified |
Sora no Kiseki SC | YLT | Final | Chinese Simplified |
Sora no Kiseki the 3RD | YLT | Final | Chinese Simplified |
- NOTE: Trails in the Sky series published by Xseed are supported by project
SoraDataEx. Check this project for its supported games.
Usage: Copy SoraDataEx.ini to<Game Root>/voice/
. - NOTE: Voice patches for Sora no Kiseki series are not available because their voice scripts are not done.
- libVorbis & libOgg, licensed under the BSD-like license.
- DirectX8 SDK. From Microsoft.
- DirectX9 SDK. Only header files are needed, I got them from minidx9.
Ouroboros, developed decompile/compile tools for Kiseki series games, and provided many awesome hook ideas.
注意: 本项目基于GPLv3开源协议,对本项目的任何代码或二进制文件的复制、修改、分发需遵循此协议。 具体细节请参见LICENSE文件。
- 复制dinput8.dll到
。 - 复制ed_voice.dll到
- 复制语音脚本(.bin(零/碧) 或 ._SN(空))到
(空)。) - 导出Vita版的语音文件(.at9), 并转换为ogg格式(at9 -> wav -> ogg), 然后复制到
。 (ch0123456789.at9需转换为ch0123456789.ogg) - (对于《零/碧之轨迹》)复制ogg.dll、vorbis.dll、vorbisfile.dll到
。 - (对于Xseed发行的《空之轨迹》系列) 复制SoraDataEx.ini到
。 - 运行游戏。
ZeroAoVoiceScripts是一个关于《零之轨迹》和《碧之轨迹》的语音脚本的项目。 用于简体中文PC版的语音脚本已经完成。 但是,《空之轨迹》系列的语音脚本尚未完成,所以目前《空之轨迹》系列的语音补丁尚不可用。
对于《空之轨迹》系列, 可以用dsound.dll替换掉dinput8.dll, 以应对dinput8.dll无法使用的情况(比如另一个MOD也使用了dinput8.dll)。
游戏标题 | 发行商 | 版本 | 语言 |
零之轨迹 | 欢乐百世 | 1.1 | 简体中文 |
JOYO平台版 | 简体中文 | ||
碧之轨迹 | 欢乐百世 | 1.0 | 简体中文 |
JOYO平台版 | 简体中文 | ||
空之轨迹 FC | 娱乐通 | 最终版 | 简体中文 |
空之轨迹 SC | 娱乐通 | 最终版 | 简体中文 |
空之轨迹 the 3RD | 娱乐通 | 最终版 | 简体中文 |
- 注意: 由Xseed发行的《空之轨迹》系列通过项目SoraDataEx来获得支持。具体支持的游戏请查看项目的说明。
用法: 将SoraDataEx.ini复制到<游戏根目录>/voice/
即可。 - 注意: 由于《空之轨迹》系列的语音脚本尚未完成,其语音补丁尚不可用。
- libVorbis & libOgg, 基于BSD-like license。
- DirectX8 SDK。来自微软。
- DirectX9 SDK。只用到头文件, 这个工程里的文件是从minidx9复制过来的。