
A video editor that lets you make videos using Godot's features.


Chey's Visual Movie Maker

A video editor built on top of Godot. You can use all the fancy nodes within the engine to make videos.


This plugin isn't done yet. Do not use it.

But why, though?

Mainly two reasons:

  1. I thought it would be funny.
  2. I figured most video editors are stupidly hard to get used to. Their UIs are a joke, you can't find what you're looking for and even things like resizing images/videos is a chore, and I figured especially Godot's Control nodes would help a lot with all that.
  3. I'm a narcissist.

If you're curious about all that, check out the wiki (not made yet lol)


Clone the repository and put the /bin folder into your project. It should automatically hot-reload, but restart the editor just in case.

If you want to compile it yourself or contribute, check out the development repo. It contains the source code, along with the GDExtension bindings required to compile it.


If you have a problem with the plugin, just come to my Discord server and I'll try to help.
