a hype-driven developer who loves to learn a wide range of things, from UX/UI to bitwise operations. :P
BCI Lab, Mahidol UniversityThailand
peachiia's Following
- Intan-Technologies
- SensorsIot
- xai-orgUnited States of America
- n8n-ioGermany
- ArtemKirsanovNew York
- codex-team
- Xinyuan-LilyGOChina
- singhanatThailand
- LearnEmbeddedSystems
- upiir
- kaogeekBKK, TH.
- XingangPanSingapore
- modularml
- neizodChiang Mai, Thailand
- karnpaponThailand
- QuirkyCort
- gitkraken
- SciML
- galaxyproject
- CodingTrain
- alexjustesen@MaltMethodDev
- flooohBerlin
- openai
- ggerganov@ggml-org
- StatQuestStatQuest with Josh Starmer
- Inria-NERVFrance
- aramis-labParis, France
- alyssaxuuLondon, UK
- bitluni
- x74353Harvard University
- craftdocs
- berndporr@glasgowneuro
- flipperdevicesUnited States of America
- Nelarius@mapbox
- mvchy