- 5
property, variable and PhpValue
#1115 opened by N0zzy - 1
- 5
PHP4034: Failure writing debug information: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'type')
#1128 opened by Miatrix - 1
hash_algos() doesn't include sha3-512
#1089 opened by Sekiraw - 1
when php google/protobuf is used, generated binary php file cause exception after compiled to dll
#1123 opened by chrislam1987 - 7
- 3
- 1
How to convert laravel to bitcode
#1129 opened by vahidalvandi - 4
PeachPie is not copying images into build
#1130 opened by vitor93 - 3
SixLabors Version Update Required
#1138 opened by endorbilisim - 4
Consider updating SixLabors.ImageSharp
#1144 opened by gordon-matt - 3
Function array_key_last() not implemented
#1148 opened by justin-nevitech - 2
sort method compare not supported - throw error using WP 6.4.3 - update.php
#1135 opened by benyaminl - 1
peachpie.runtime not found
#1147 opened by 17723010593 - 5
Change Sdk version to 1.1.5 make error when running
#1122 opened by asika32764 - 1
- 1
Are there more recent release builds for sponsors?
#1145 opened by aurora - 7
Peachpie.Library.XmlDom.XMLWriter: Error writing namespace attribute 'xmlns'
#1142 opened by wujwmail - 0
The compiler sees several `Load()` overloads, so it postpones the resolution to runtime using the callsite (`call_Load?0`).
#1136 opened by FibonacciFox - 0
mb_ series functions have errors
#1143 opened by wujwmail - 1
CLR event support
#1141 opened by jakubmisek - 1
Compiler Crash: MoveToImmutable can only be performed when Count equals Capacity
#1102 opened by smx-smx - 6
Error in constructor of class inheriting DOMDocument?
#1132 opened by wujwmail - 3
Dynamicly compile the php script
#1139 opened by HengzheLi - 2
Special characters cannot be recognized
#1127 opened by xiangyi-wang - 4
- 1
Home Page Show Not Found
#1121 opened by tuanhm11299 - 0
can not work woth tinyfilemanager
#1120 opened by gitlsl - 4
- 1
virtual and override
#1114 opened by N0zzy - 1
PeachPie 1.0.* Status
#1109 opened by Aragas - 3
program execution time
#1113 opened by N0zzy - 4
some syntax error
#1111 opened by xiangyi-wang - 1
strange compiler behavior when modifier is "protected"
#1112 opened by N0zzy - 4
Magic methods not working as expected
#1108 opened by luizzaiats - 1
Peachpie crypt behavior
#1110 opened by hey-red - 4
PDO.PgSQL returns numeric fields as C# strings, but is unable to query a numeric field using a C# string argument
#1087 opened by kripper - 2
- 1
Moving to the new .NET Foundation CLA service
#1105 opened by dnfadmin - 1
ioncube loader
#1107 opened by tahaghafuri - 1
Peachpie.Library.PDO.MySQL convert MySQL `tinyint` value to `int` error.
#1103 opened by jameschung2000 - 2
Template Install Fails - no matches found
#1101 opened by VannaDii - 2
- 0
ReflectionObject::getProperties() has optional arg
#1100 opened by jakubmisek - 1
- 1
- 1
($i--) returns wrong value
#1086 opened by kripper - 4
Match parsing fails
#1098 opened by feamsr00 - 1
How to call c# extension methods in php?
#1093 opened by FibonacciFox - 1
DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared library 'MonoPosixHelper' or one of its dependencies.
#1088 opened by Shingirai98