
Documentation and Scripts to build PCAN Router software with Linux

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Documentation and Scripts to build PCAN Router software with Linux


Script to download the PCAN router source code for development purposes

The PCAN router source code is extracted from the "Development package for ARM-based products" from the PEAK download site.

As only the source code of the different PCAN router hardware is needed the unused non-Linux stuff is omitted in the unzip process and the PCAN router code for the different hardware types is provided in the hw directory.


Script to download and build the hex2bin tool needed for bin file creation

Download and build the hex2bin tool from its original download site. The Hex2bin Version 1.0.9 is also needed in the original "Development package for ARM-based products" from the PEAK download site as this version is limited to 16MB address space analogue to the pcanflash protocol.

needed cross compile packages for (Debian/Ubuntu) Linux

Install these packages with apt install <package>.

(The install process requires root credentials so it may be sudo apt install <package>)

  • gcc-arm-none-eabi
  • binutils-arm-none-eabi
  • libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
  • libstdc++-arm-none-eabi-newlib
  • libstdc++-arm-none-eabi-dev
  • libnewlib-dev

compile PCAN router source code example

  • cd hw/PCAN-Router/Examples/01_ROUTING/
  • make

The make process should have built a flash file out/example_can.bin which can be flashed with the pcanflash tool from https://github.com/peak-system/pcanflash (Linux) or with the PEAK-Flash tool from the PEAK Website (Win).