Peakbreaker Install Endless Scripts

Primary LanguageShell

Peakbreaker Install Endless Scripts (PIES)

Basically this is a repo for autoinstalling packages and whatnot

I ran out of patience with configuration of my development enviroment, so I sat down, researched what other clever people are doing, and started outlining how I want my automatic installs to be. Basically my devenv is split in two:

  • PIES for scripts and automatic installations of stuff
  • .dotfiles for all configuration files, no scripts

My goal is to sit back and let my scripts do all the work of setting up my system for me.


Getting started


  • Arch Linux based system
  • Root priveleges
  • Internet access


  1. Run the install script as sudo user:
$ sudo bash $(curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peakBreaker/PIES/master/INSTALL.sh)
  1. Install [st]
  2. Install the dotfiles for [firefox]
  3. Create SSH keypair: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
  4. Enable services:
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
$ sudo systemctl start docker
  1. Install vim plugins. Enter vim and write :PlugInstall. Compile YCM by running install.py


  • command not found: print_icon: Check locale settings