
projects and samples for freescale frdm-k64f board

Primary LanguageC



this repo contains my personal projects using FRDM-K64F board.

common build instructions

All my projects are based on GNU GCC and command line interface. I just don't like working with IDEs. Whether you like it or not, Kinetis SDK is using CMake based Makefile generation. Although I am not a huge fan of CMake, all the samples are based on CMake. I'm just too lazy to come out with my own Makefile. Maybe sometime later when I get enough time to work on it.

Anyway original CMakeLists.txt is modified so that all you gotta do to build is change the SdkRoot CMake variable in CMakeLists.txt and path in build_xxx.sh.

Usually you gotta follow this sequence

  1. clone this repo
  2. of course, set ARMGCC_DIR env variable properly as required by Kinetis SDK
  3. modify SdkRoot in armgcc/CMakeLists.txt
  4. modify armgcc.cmake pathin build_debug.sh (or build_release.sh)
  5. happy making!

Flashing & Debugging

As of this writing, it looks like FRD-K64F is not well supported by OpenOCD. So I guess it's best and more convenient to go with Segger OpenSDA and JLink. Just download Segger OpenSDA V2.0 from segger web site. Be sure to download Board-Specific Firmware.

With Segger OpenSDA, flashing is just a matter of drag & drop. If it doesn't work, you might have installed a generic firmware.

To debug,

  1. JLinkGDBServer -device MK64FN1M0xxx12 -if SWD
  2. arm-none-eabi-gdb -ex 'target remote:2331' your.elf
  3. monitor reset
  4. monitor halt
  5. load
  6. cont
  7. happy debugging & flashing

Clock & Pin Configuration

I guess it's best to go with MCUExpress for the job. Luckily there are Linux and Mac version from NXP web site. Anyway K64F datasheet has a good diagram on the overall clock architecture. It would be much better if there was a tool like STM32 CubeMX for clock configuration, with which we can visualize clock structure intuitively.

FXOS8700CQ issue

My original plan was to implement an 9-DOF IMU with this board. But Alas! FXOS8700CQ has no gyro!!! I really have no idea what they were thinking when developing FXOS8700CQ! What's the point of Accelerometer and Magnetometer without Gyro?

Brief Introduction on projects

  1. blinky

    this is a bare-metal version of typical blinky. Quite surprising Kinetis SDK doesn't come with any sort of delay library.

  2. blinky_freertos

    this is a freertos version of typical blinky.

  3. event_dispatcher

    this is a main loop based, single threaded blinky example using soft timer. take a look at it. You might like it.

  4. shell

    this is a shell demo based on event dispatcher.

  5. shell_freertos

    this is a shell demo based on task & freertos event.