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serenity-discussion-api is a Discussion API Service

The topcoder Discussion API was initially built using the Apigee a127 scaffolding.

Routing is handled by using the swagger config file at api\swagger\swagger.yaml. Routing is done using swagger tools and the a127-magic modules.


The documentation for the API and resources are in swagger. You can view the swagger config using a127 tools or the built in Swagger UI.

To Edit/view swagger config run a127 project edit from project root You can also view the swagger config via the /docs url when the project is running.

Current API Documentation can be found here:


We are following a similar patterns to access patterns as we do in the serenity-core repo.

Use a model:

Example for Message model

var datasource = require('./datasource');
var Message = datasource.Message;

// Message is now a Sequelize Model

Node.js design guide.

Please follow Joyent's NodeJS design guide: Please use 2 spaces instead of tabs. Please use lodash instead of underscore.

Database Migrations

All tables should be setup using db-migrate with migration files in config/schema-migrations.

Migration can be run via grunt grunt dbmigrate


Tests are built using mocha tests. They can be run with grunt test. There is an example postman configuration file at test/postman.json. This can be imported into Postman for testing.

See the docs folder for more documentation