
cars = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

# add to end of list.

# remove from end of list. takes an optional index.
lastcar = cars.pop([i])

# insert into list. any integer for index is possible. 
# this performs an insert not a replacement.
cars.insert(0,'x') -> None

# returns the number of times x is found in the list. 

# sort the list in place.
cars.sort() -> None

# shallow copy of a list 
cars_copy = cars[:]

Lists can be used as a stack using stack.append(val), stack.pop() and stack[-1]


cars = 'a', 'b' , 'c' 

# creating an empty tuple
cars = () 

#tuple with one element
cars = 'a',

# tuples in immutable, but can container mutable objects. 
cars[0] = 'x' # error out. 

Strings, Lists and Tuples are Sequence Types. Sequence Types can undergo Sequence Unpacking. Sequence Types can be unpacked as follows: x, y, z = t


x = set() 
x = {'a', 'b', 'c'}
x = set('abcdefg')

# membership test
'a' in x 

# set operations 
x = set()
y = set() 

x - y # items in x but not in y. 
x | y # items in x or y or both. 
x & y # items in x and y 
x ^ y # items in x or y but not both. 


Dictionary is of type Mapping.

It is an error to extract a value w/ a non existent key.

x = {'jack': 5, 'jill': 2} 
del x['jack'] 
keys = list(x) 
print(keys) # ['jill']

'jill' in x # true
'jill' not in x # false

Dictionary Looping

for k, v in x.items():
  print(k, v)