
Stubs & Wrapper for the rdkafka PHP extension

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP stubs for the php rdkafka extension.

See https://github.com/arnaud-lb/php-rdkafka

Wrapper / Facade objects in the Kafka namespace

You can use the wrapper objects available in the Kafka namespace for a more PHP-style interface to the RdKafka objects.

Example for a producer


use Kafka\Configuration\ProducerConfiguration;
use Kafka\Manager;

$producerConfiguration = (new ProducerConfiguration())

$manager = new Manager(['hostname']);
$topic = $manager->createProducerTopicFacade("test", $producerConfiguration);

for($i=1;$i<=1000;$i++) {
    $topic->produce(0 /* partition */, "test" . time());

Example for a consumer

Implement the \Kafka\ConsumerInterface and add the class to the ConsumerTopicFacade object.


class MyConsumer implements \Kafka\ConsumerInterface {
     * @param string $topic Topic name
     * @param int $partition Partition
     * @param int $offset Message offset
     * @param string $key Optional message key
     * @param string $payload Message payload
     * @return mixed
    public function consume($topic, $partition, $offset, $key, $payload)
        echo "Received message with payload " . $payload;
$consumerConfiguration = (new ConsumerConfiguration())

$manager = new Manager(['hostname']);

$consumerTopic = $manager->createConsumerTopicFacade("test", $consumerConfiguration);
$consumerTopic->addConsumer(new MyConsumer());

$consumerTopic->consumeStart(0 /* partition */, 0 /* offset */);
$consumerTopic->consume(0 /* partition */, 1000 /* timeout in ms */);
$consumerTopic->consumeStop(0 /* partition */);