ODSC West 2017

Primary LanguageR


Scripts & Data Files for Ted Kwartler's ODSC West 2017 Text Mining Workshop

Workshop Requirements

Package Installations

WARNING: This will take a lot of time to install!! It can take more than an hr to install, if some of the installs fail you will likely need to investigate each individual package installation for issues (e.g. rJava is needed for qdap)

# Get CRAN packages
libs<-c('stringi', #1_Keyword_Scanning.R
        'tm', #2_Cleaning and Frequency Count.R
        'qdap', #3_Dendrogram.R
        'wordcloud', #4_Simple_Wordcloud.R & #5_Other_Wordclouds.R
        'tidytext', #6_TidyText_Sentiment.R
        'treemap', #7_Topic_Modeling_Sentiment.R
        'lda', #previous ODSC workshops used library(topicmodels)
        'openNLP', #8_Open_Langugage_Processingv3.R
        'jsonlite', #instruction_newsAPI.R
        'wordcloud2', #instruction_htmlWidgets.R
        'flexdashboard', #blank_dashboard.Rmd
        'rmarkdown', #cronJob.R

# Get most of the libs
                 repos = "http://cran.r-project.org", 
                 dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "Suggests"))

# WINDOWS Scheduler

# LINUX Scheduler

# Get a NLP Model for use w/openNLP
                 repos = "http://datacube.wu.ac.at/", 
                 type = "source")