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Hugo themes:
Available options to config.toml
or hugo.toml
disqusShortname = 'YOUR_DISQUS_SHORTNAME' # use disqus comments
# color style
color = 'linen' # linen, wheat, gray, light
# header social icons
twitter = 'YOUR_TWITTER_ID' #
github = 'YOUR_GITHUB_ID' #
instagram = 'YOUR_INSTAGRAM_ID' #
linkedin = 'YOUR_LINKEDIN_ID' #
mastodon = 'YOUR_MASTODON_LINK' # e.g. 'https://mastodon.instance/@xxx'
rss = true # show rss icon
# home page profile
avatar = 'GRAVATAR_EMAIL' # gravatar email or image url
name = 'YOUR_NAME'
bio = 'YOUR_BIO'
# misc
disableHLJS = true # disable highlight.js
disablePostNavigation = true # disable post navigation
monoDarkIcon = true # show monochrome dark mode icon
gravatarCdn = 'GRAVATAR_CDN_LINK' # e.g. ''
graphCommentId = "YOUR_GRAPH_COMMENT_ID" # use graph comment (disqus alternative)
math = true # enable KaTeX math typesetting globally
# use gitalk (alternative)
enable = true
clientID = 'gitalk client id'
clientSecret = 'gitalk client secret'
repo = 'your gitalk repo'
owner = 'owner github username'
language = 'en' # en, zh-CN, zh-TW, es-ES, fr, ru, de, pl, ko, fa, ja
distractionFreeMode = false # Facebook-like distraction free mode.
Available options to front matter:
comments = false # disable comments for a specific page
math = true # enable KaTeX math typesetting for a specific page
Inside the folder of your Hugo project, run:
hugo mod init<USERNAME>/<REPONAME>
Add paper theme ad dependency of your site:
hugo mod init<USERNAME>/<REPONAME>
Open config.toml
or hugo.toml
, remove the theme
line (if present) and add module section at the bottom of the file:
path = ""
For more information, please read the official guide of Hugo.
Inside the folder of your Hugo project, run:
git submodule add themes/paper
Open config.toml
or hugo.toml
, change theme
to "paper"
theme = "paper"
For more information, please read the official guide of Hugo.