
In Loco's component library, based on React Semantic UI.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Orion Monorepo

Dependabot Status

In Loco's monorepo for Orion and Atomic Bomb.

Please refer to their own README files for more info.


Since we are using yarn workspaces, yarn is required.


To setup the project, you just need to have Yarn installed and run it to install the project's dependencies:


Then run the command below to update build atomic-bomb:

  yarn atomic-bomb:build

Watch (Hot reloading)

To update css on file change:

  yarn orion:watch


We're using ESLint-Config-React-App to easily lint the source files.

Run it with:

  yarn run orion:lint

In order to update eslint configurations please refer to the package. In order to extend and add more rules edit .eslintrc.json file.


We're using Storybook, to easily see and test the components.

Run it with:

  yarn orion:storybook

Then open it at the url indicated on the terminal, probably: http://localhost:9001/.


To release, follow these steps:

  1. Run yarn release (yes, it's release, not publish!) or lerna publish (in this case you'll need a globally installed Lerna).
  2. Select the versions you wish to publish for each modified package.
  3. You're done!

Deploying Storybook

After releasing a new version, our gh page with Storybook is automatically deployed.

In case it's necessary to do this manually though, just run this simple yarn script:

yarn orion:deploy:storybook