
AngularJS directives for animating smooth scrolling to elements.

Angular smooth scroll

A pure-javascript library and set of directives to scroll smoothly to an element with easing. Easing support contributed by Willem Liu with code from Gaëtan Renaudeau.

No jQuery required.


  • Exposes a service that scrolls the window to an element's location
  • Provides two directives that enable smooth scrolling to elements.
  • Clean: No classes are added, no jQuery is required, no CSS files or configuration is needed.


Include the .js file in your page then enable usage of the directive by including the smoothScroll module as a dependency


Install with bower with:

bower install ngSmoothScroll

Usage - As a directive

This module provides two directives:


Attribute. Scrolls the window to this element, optionally validating the expression inside scroll-if.


// Basic - The window will scroll to this element's position when compiling this directive
<div smooth-scroll></div>

// With options
<div smooth-scroll duration="800" easing="easeInQuint" offset="120" callback-before="aFunction(element)" callback-after="anotherFunction">{{...}}</div>

// With condition
<div smooth-scroll scroll-if="{{ myExpression }}">{{...}}</div>

// Inside ng-repeat
<div smooth-scroll scroll-if="{{ $last }}" duration="2500">{{...}}</div>


Attribute. Scrolls the window to the specified element ID when clicking this element.


// Basic
<a href="#" scroll-to="my-element-3">Click me!</a>

// With options
<button scroll-to="elem-id5" duration="1800" callback-before="aFunction(element)" callback-after="anotherFunction">Scroll to next page.</button>

Usage - As a service

Inject the 'smoothScroll' service in your directive / factory / controller / whatever, and call like this:

// Using defaults
var element = document.getElementById('my-elem');

// With options
var element = $elem[0];

var options = {
	duration: 700,
	easing: 'easeInQuad',
	offset: 120,
	callbackBefore: function(element) {
		console.log('about to scroll to element', element);
	callbackAfter: function(element) {
		console.log('scrolled to element', element);

smoothScroll(element, options);

// In directive's link function
link: function($scope, $elem, $attrs){
	var options = $attrs;

	smoothScroll($elem[0], options);



Type: Integer Default: 800

The duration of the smooth scroll, in miliseconds.


Type: Integer or Function or Element Default: 0

The offset from the top of the page in which the scroll should stop.

If the value specified is a Function, it is called as offset = offset(element, options); where the result may an Integer or Element

If the value specified is an Element (native or jqLite), its offsetHeight will be used


type: string default: easeInOutQuart

the easing function to be used for this scroll.


type: function default: function(element) {}

a callback function to run before the scroll has started. It is passed the element that will be scrolled to.


type: function default: function(element) {}

a callback function to run after the scroll has completed. It is passed the element that was scrolled to.


type: boolean default: false

If set to true, scrolling will stop if user scrolls (with wheel/trackpad) during animation. This prevents document "jumping" while both animation and wheel happen at the same time.

Easing functions

The available easing functions are:

  • 'easeInQuad'
  • 'easeOutQuad'
  • 'easeInOutQuad'
  • 'easeInCubic'
  • 'easeOutCubic'
  • 'easeInOutCubic'
  • 'easeInQuart'
  • 'easeOutQuart'
  • 'easeInOutQuart'
  • 'easeInQuint'
  • 'easeOutQuint'
  • 'easeInOutQuint'


Free to use under the MIT License.
