
iNitrOMZ is a nitrogen-centric biogeochemical model embeded in a below-mixed layer 1-D advection diffusion model. The model resolves a comprehensive set of processes involved in the remineralization of the sinking organic matter, starting from an imposed export flux at the base of the mixed-layer.

*** This is Pearse Buchanan's version that considers microbes as explicit biomasses ***

Table of Contents

Requires MATLAB 2013 or above.

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Quick intro

Running iNitrOMZ

Code structure


  • 12/2019 -- Change the parameter optimization algorithm to the rather new and extremely more efficient CMAES algorithm (
  • 02/2020 -- Example batch jobs multi-optimization submission scripts added.
  • 08/2020 -- Development branch initiated by dbianchi
  • 09/2020 -- Re-organized code to store variables in bgc.Types structures, adding a "iMap" to map variables to Types, to be used for example in the "change_input" function etc.

Getting started

Setting the root path

Let's call the path to iNitrOMZ/ -- $NITROMSPATH 
  (1) Open the model initialization function
        for editing and set: `bgc.root='$NITROMSPATH'`;
  (2) open the template runscript  `$NITROMSPATH/iNitrOMZv6.0/runscripts/bgc_run.m`
      for editing and set: `bgc1d_root='$NITROMSPATH/'`

Run the model

Run the template script `$NITROMSPATH/iNitrOMZ_v6.0/runscripts/bgc_run.m` in MATLAB

Customizing the run

Change the model defaults by modifying the initialization scripts 
in $NITROMSPATH/bgc1d_src/ (see section on Code structure for a detailing of the 

Code structure


  Template scripts to run or optimize the model
    - bgc_run.m -- template running script


User-customizable initialization functions
    - bgc1d_initialize.m -- main initialization script. The user can modify 
                            general model parameters.
    - bgc1d_initboundary.m -- the user can specify/modify boudary conditions
    - bgc1d_initbgc_params.m -- the user can specify/modify biogeochemical 
    - bgc1d_initIso_params.m -- the user can specify/modify parameters related 
                                to N isotopes
Core model functions
    - bgc1d_initialize_DepParam.m -- calculates dependant model parameters
    - bgc1d_initIso_Dep_params.m -- calculates dependant model parameters 
                                    related to N isotopes
    - bgc1d_initIso_update_r15n.m -- used to update N isotopic fractions
    - bgc1d_advection_diff_opt.m -- this is the model core. This function 
                                    performs the advection and diffusion of 
                                    model tracers, applies sources and sinks,
                                    and applies restoring. Also handles model 
                                    output archiving.
    - bgc1d_sourcesink.m -- calculates sources and sinks of model tracers
    - bgc1d_restoring_initialize.m -- initializes lateral restoring forcing
    - bgc1d_restoring.m -- calculates lateral restoring of model tracers
    - not listed here: small utility functions used during intergration (e.g., n2o_yield.m)


  Processing functions usefull for analysing the solution
    - bgc1d_postprocess.m -- processes the final archived model solution into 
                              a user-friendly structure 
    - more not listed here ...


 Forcing and validation data .


  Where restart files are stored


  Where model output is archived.


Contact Simon Yang or Daniele Bianchi at UCLA for support.

How to cite

Please cite this repository DOI

Manuscript reference soon to come.