
A PHP wrapper library for Zoho CRM API with dasboard

Primary LanguageHTML

Zoho CRM API wrapper library (PHP)

This is an API wrapper library for Zoho CRM, written in PHP.

It aims to cover the whole API (every module and method), while providing a great abstraction and very easy-to-use methods.


  • PHP : 5.5+
  • PHP cURL extension enabled

Get started

This package is currently at an early development stage. Full documentation will come when it is stable enough.

A quick example

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('MY_ZOHO_AUTH_TOKEN');

// Use its supported modules to make easy requests...
$one_lead = $zoho->leads->getById('1212717324723478324');
$many_leads = $zoho->leads->getByIds(['8734873457834574028', '3274736297894375750']);
$admins = $zoho->users->getAdmins();

// ...or build them manually
$response = $zoho->request('Module', 'method', ['a_parameter' => 'blablebloblu']);


Generate Auth Token

[Source] https://www.zoho.com/crm/help/api/using-authentication-token.html#Generate_Auth_Token

  • Expected response
#Mon Apr 23 07:36:42 PDT 2018

Response Objects


Methods Comments Response
fetch execute query for the next page available Response Object
fetchAll execute queries for all pages available Array of Response
getResponses all responses fetched Array of Response
getNumberOfPagesFetched amount of pages fetched Integer


Methods Comments Response
getContent get JSON parsed response Object
getRawData get raw response Object

API Usage

Available modules

By default, some modules are enabled in src/Client.php

  • Info
  • Users
  • Leads
  • Potentials
  • Calls
  • Contacts
  • Products

Available methods

Every modules (except Users) have the following methods (src/Api/Modules/AbstractRecordsModule.php):

  • getAll
  • getById
  • getMine
  • search
  • getBy
  • getRelatedById
  • exists
  • insert
  • insertMany
  • update
  • updateMany
  • delete
  • deleteMany
  • getDeletedIds

Get all records

  • Method: getAll
  • Data Params
  • Code sample
require './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('0c85ee5db4119df7ad21bb9581d08670');

 * @var $many_leads \Zoho\CRM\Api\RequestPaginator
$leads = $zoho->leads->getAll();

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
  • Response

RequestPaginator Object

Get one specific record

  • Method: getById
  • Data Params Record ID
  • Code sample
require './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('0c85ee5db4119df7ad21bb9581d08670');

$lead = $zoho->leads->getById('3211639000000152457');

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
  • Response

Response Object

Insert one record

  • Method: insert
  • Data Params Array
  • Code sample
require './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('0c85ee5db4119df7ad21bb9581d08670');

    'Company' => 'TEST',
    'Last Name' => 'TEST'
  • Response

Response Object

Delete one record

  • Method: delete
  • Data Params Record ID
  • Code sample
require './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('0c85ee5db4119df7ad21bb9581d08670');

  • Response

Response Object

Delete multiple records

  • Method: deleteMany
  • Data Params Array
  • Code sample
require './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('0c85ee5db4119df7ad21bb9581d08670');

$leads = $zoho->leads->deleteMany(['3211639000000152553', '3211639000000152560']);

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
  • Response

Response Object

{"result":{"code":"5000","message":"Record Id(s) : 3211639000000152553;3211639000000152560,Record(s) deleted successfully"}

Search by Criteria

  • Method: search
  • Data Params String
  • Code sample
require './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('0c85ee5db4119df7ad21bb9581d08670');

$leads = $zoho->leads->search('((Company:TEST)OR(Last Name:TEST))');

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
  • Response

RequestPaginator Object

Search by one specific Criteria

  • Method: getBy
  • Data Params String, String
  • Code sample
require './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('0c85ee5db4119df7ad21bb9581d08670');

$leads = $zoho->leads->getBy('Company', 'TEST');

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
  • Response

RequestPaginator Object

Update one record

  • Method: update
  • Data Params ID, Data
  • Code sample
require './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('0c85ee5db4119df7ad21bb9581d08670');

$lead = $zoho->leads->update('3211639000000155006', [
    'Company' => 'TEST99'

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
  • Response

Response Object

Update multiple records

  • Method: updateMany
  • Data Params Data
  • Code sample
require './vendor/autoload.php';

// Create a Zoho client
$zoho = new Zoho\CRM\Client('0c85ee5db4119df7ad21bb9581d08670');

$leads = $zoho->leads->updateMany([
        'Id' => '3211639000000158001',
        'Company' => 'Company modified'
        'Id' => '3211639000000155013',
        'Company' => 'Company modified 2'

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
  • Response

Response Object

Unit Tests

  • Set AUTH_TOKEN in phpunit.xml
  • Run by executing ./vendor/bin/phpunit command