
Codebase for the tutorials on my blog

Primary LanguageJava

Codebase for the tutorials on my blog


  • Expose git information with Spring Boot’s Actuator (Blog, Sources)
  • Write Spring Boot integration tests with a ‘real’ database (Blog, Sources)
  • Avoid repeating attributes in JPA entities (Blog, Sources)
  • Lazy Loading of JPA attributes with Hibernate(Blog, Sources)
  • Deploy a Spring Boot Uber-Jar application within Open Liberty (Blog, Sources)
  • Send E-Mails with SendGrid and Spring Boot (Blog, Sources)
  • Simple CRUD table with JSF and PrimeFaces (Blog, Sources)
  • Simple JSF 2.3 Login with Java EE 8 Security API (Blog, Sources)
  • Simple JMS application with the embedded messaging engine in Open Liberty(Blog, Sources)
  • JAX-RS user-based API rate-limiting with JSR-375 (Blog, Sources)


  • JavaServer Faces. An introduction to JSF 2.3 (Blog, Sources)