
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bloggity is a tool designed to help teach Ember and EmberCLI by making a blog

Right now this only covers the creation of the index and show pages of our (very simple) blog. This is a repo to facility this meetup

More to come!

How To

After you've installed (see below)... You should run the following command from your terminal:

git checkout start_here

This will put the repo into a failing state.

Run the following command to prove this:

ember test

You should see a lot of output describing your tests followed by something that looks like this:

These are your failing tests. It is your job to fix them. :)

Now the fun stuff

The tests we have so far are listed below. Each of the following bullets are the tagged commit that makes the test pass. If you'd like to see the commit that makes a test pass simply execute the following:

git show -v <tag>

Where <tag> is the name of the tag you'd like to see (listed below)

Alternatively, if you'd like to skip ahead to that passing test you can execute:

git checkout <tag>

Where <tag> is the name of the tag you'd like to see (listed below)

Tags and some info

  • passing_api_namespace
    • Our API is namespaced. The fixture information that has been set up requires that the namespace is set to 'api'. This is very similar to the real world constraints of a backend team.
  • passing_model_post
    • This is a model test that proves that we are able to create a post record that includes a title field, a body field, and an authorName field
  • passing_posts_route
    • This is a route test that proves that our posts route's model hook finds all the posts available before rendering a template
  • passing_index_redirect
    • This is an acceptance test that proves that when you visit the "/" you a redirected to "/posts".
  • passing_post_show
    • This is an acceptance test that proves that when you visit /posts/:id with a known id you'll be on a page that displays that posts' information.


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


  • git clone <repository-url> this repository
  • change into the new directory
  • npm install
  • bower install

Running / Development