
Pong Javascript implementation of this classic game.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PONG game using javascript and nodeJS with require


We are going to implement PONG. One of first console games in history Take a look at www.ponggame.org

We are using nodeJS ecosystem in this project in an unusual way. Mostly focused on client side web development. We use requirejs module very useful in order to architect our project in a more scalable way.

LIVE DEMO: https://pong2.herokuapp.com/

Run the project

In order to run for first time the project , you should install nodejs and npm in your computer:

  1. Run npm install in the provided sample code
  2. Browserify your code ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js browserify this is going to create the only required javascript file on bin/main.js
  3. If we are going to change the project regularly it is recommended to launch ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js watch .With this task executed on background, every time we do a change on every single script inside javascript folder this will be automatically transpiled to bin/main.js.
  4. Launch local server node backend/index.js and open [http://localhost:3000]

** Note ** that every time we change any .js and we don't have watch gulp task on execution we should "transpile" manually executing:

frontend$ ./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js browserify

Resulting file will be in bin/index.js embedding all project .js

NOTE: Deploy the webapp on a web server. The minimum files required to run the project are: bin/main.js images/** styles/** index.html

The other files are only required for development purposes

Run the tests

./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js tdd

Generate project documentation

./node_modules/gulp/bin/gulp.js doc

Deploy project automatically to heroku

Everytime we do a push to master branch on github DEMO: https://pong2.herokuapp.com/ gets updated with latest changes. We have created an app on heroku and We've linked to our gitthub repository.


NICE TO READ: https://www.devbridge.com/articles/dependency-injection-in-javascript/