hgraph is a Haskell library for heterogeneous, fully statically typed graphs whose nodes can perform computations on the node data of their predecessors.
git clone git://github.com/peddie/hgraph.git
cd hgraph
cabal install
a heterogeneously typed
akin to Oleg's one, but this one uses associated type families rather than functional dependencies and undecideable instances. These have a convenient type operator syntax. -
class for heterogenous, statically typed directed graphs, and anHGraphApply
subclass for acyclicHGraph
s whose nodes perform computations on the node data of their predecessors. -
two example
instances, one built directly onHList
s and the other built on a newHNode
data type. -
instances for everything, so you can scrap your boilerplate and your zippers.
No graph algorithms yet; all you can do is build and inspect graphs and apply graph nodes. You can't apply entire graphs yet either.
No unit tests yet.
Type errors are, for the most part, intimidating and inscrutable.
The library doesn't implement everything in Oleg's
yet, although most of it should be straightforward. -
The typechecker gets upset about ambiguity, so you have to tell it the types of literals and of some polymorphic functions. I expect this to be less of a problem when the graph has all your own types.