
Plover is a language for matrix algebra on embedded systems.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT


Package version Build status Dependency status

Plover is an embedded Haskell DSL for compiling linear algebra into robust, efficient C code suitable for running on embedded systems.

Plover generates code free of dynamic memory allocation and provides compile time checking of matrix and vector shapes using a lightweight dependant type system.

Plover also aims to make use of sparse structure present in many real world linear algebra problems to generate more efficient code.

  • Plover.Types contains the AST for the DSL.
  • Plover.Expressions contains a number of example expressions.
  • Plover.Reduce contains the main compiler.
  • Plover.Macros contains DSL utilities.


First, install Stack or Haskell Platform. Key is having GHC 7.10+ available.

Check out the plover source:

$ git clone https://github.com/swift-nav/plover.git
$ cd plover

Then use one of the two available build methods.

Stack build

$ stack build

Run the test suite (requires gcc):

$ stack test --test-arguments --show-details=streaming

Installation of the plover binary into ~/.local/bin

$ stack build --copy-bins


# same thing as previous
$ stack install

Cabal sandbox build

Next, create a cabal sandbox. This keeps any dependencies isolated so you don't have to worry about conflicts with other versions you may have on your system.

$ cabal sandbox init

Install the dependencies into the sandbox:

$ cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests

Run the test suite (requires gcc):

$ cabal test --show-details=streaming


See http://swift-nav.github.io/plover/guide.html