ETN Introduction to GAMs workshop

A (very!) short course on how to fit, plot, and evaluate GAMs

The course website URL available at


  • You will need to install R and I recommend using RStudio. The latest version of R can be downloaded here. RStudio is an application (an integrated development environment or IDE) that facilitates the use of R and offers a number of nice additional features. It can be downloaded here. You will need the free Desktop version for your computer.

  • Download the course materials as a ZIP file here. Alternatively, if you have the usethis, R package, running the following command will download the course materials and open them:

  • Install the R packages required for this course by running the following line of code your R console:

    install.packages(c("dplyr", "ggplot2", "sf", "mgcv", "tidyr", "gratia")

Part 1: What is a GAM? Basis functions and smoothers

Introduction slides

Part 1 slides

Part 1 script

Part 2

Part 2 slides

Part 2 script

Extra resources:

If you are looking for more GAM teaching aids, here's a few resources that might be helpful:

Longer workshops:

Video tutorials:

Interactive tutorials:

Written resources:

  • David Lawrence Miller's blog
  • Gavin Simpson's blog
  • Simon Wood (The creator of mgcv): papers and books
    • "Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R 2nd ed"
    • 2020: TEST: "Inference and computation with generalized additive models and their extensions"