
c8sound - How does Camunda 8 Sound like?

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

c8sound - How does Camunda 8 Sound like?

Project for Camunda Summer Hackdays 2022

In a nutshell

Export events from Zeebe (like incidents or process instance state changes) via UDP connection to puredata* to generate sound.

🔊 HQ sound examples: https://nextcloud.pedesen.de/s/RzTzbfawD6Rjwq5


*puredata is a visual programmung language for dealing with audio streams


Run puredata

Download and start puredata

If you're using vanilla puredata add the moocow/bytes2any external library: Help -> Find Externals -> Search for moocow -> Click to install

Open the zeebe.pd patch from resources/puredata/

Start audio by clicking the DSP checkbox in the puredata main window.

Run Zeebe broker with zeebe-socker exporter

First package the zeebe-socker-exporter as jar file:

cd zeebe-socket-exporter
mvn package

Then copy the zeebe-socket-exporter-*.jar from zeebe-socket-exporter/target to an exporter directory in your Zeebe folder and add some configuration to application.yaml:

        className: io.camunda.SocketExporter
        jarPath: exporters/zeebe-socket-exporter-*.jar

Run zeebe


🔊 Now you should be able to hear sounds whenever process instances are created, completed, or if there are incidents

Deploy sound process and start instances (optional)

Deploy the process

zbctl --insecure deploy resource resources/soundProcess.bpmn

Example: Start 58 process instances with 21% incidents:

resources/instance-creator.sh 58 21

Or use your own processes