
Ansible playbook to setup a Debian-based server


Ansible Playbook to setup a Debian-based Server

This playbook includes the following steps:

  • Set a locale from vars
  • Update apt preferences
  • Install aptitude
  • Upgrade the system using safe-upgrade
  • Install sudo
  • [Optionally] change the root password
  • Create new user and add it to sudo and systemd-journal groups
  • Copy public ssh key to authorized_keys
  • Disable SSH password authentication
  • Install UFW
  • Setup UFW to block all incoming connections but SSH
  • Install custom packages defined in vars
  • Reboot machine



Before running the playbook you need to create global.yml file under vars directory. Use global.example.yml as a source.

Variables are pretty self-explanatory, except the password hashes. To generate hashes use openssl passwd -6 -salt <some-random-salt> or just openssl passwd -6. This will produce sha512 hash.

If you wish to change the root's user password, fill the root_password_hash field. This step is optional. user_password_hash on the other hand should be filled.

Running the playbook

  1. Make sure your SSH public key has been deployed to the root account as the playbook is using root as the remote_user. If you'd rather SSH into your own account and use sudo to run the playbook, then you'll have to replace remote_user with become_user in site.yml
  2. Set a host:
    • Edit the inventory (/etc/ansible/hosts or a custom inventory file) to add your server's IP or hostname
      • Change the hosts entry in setup.yml to your server's IP or hostname
    • Or use -i argument to pass the ad-hoc host, like -i "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx," setup.yml. Note the trailing comma.
      • In this case do not change the setup.yml
  3. Run the playbook with ansible-playbook setup.yml or ansible-playbook -i "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx," setup.yml if you're using ad-hoc host