Lightweight pub/sub module with event backlog, timeout support that maps events to promises and back as well as chains them to other topics.
The main reason for creation of this module is to allow decoupling business logic into smaller isolated stage components in the application via pub/sub API that leads to a simpler/isolated unit testing with easy mocking of input data and easy composition of components into higher async structures.
The module is based on pub/sub interface. It accumulates events in the backlog for new subscribers. This is pros and cons:
- Allows consumers/producers to be added in any order and guarantees delivery of an event.
- Accumulates events in memory, thus it cannot be used for long running flows as it eventually will run out of memory.
- It is good fit for short request/stream flows that eventually end and GC-ed.
npm install oja -S
const Flow = require('oja').Flow;
const flow = new Flow();
// create consumer component
const consumer = flow.consume('foo');
consumer.then(foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints 'bar'
// define producer component
const producer = flow.define('foo');
// publish'bar');
// create consumer component
.consume('foo', foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints 'bar'
.define('foo', 'bar');
// create consumer component
.consume('foo', foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints 'bar1' and 'bar2'
.define('foo', 'bar1')
.define('foo', 'bar1');
// create consumer component
.consume('foo', foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints 'bar'
.define('foo', new Promise(resolve => {
// create consumer component
.consume('foo', foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints 'bar'
.consume('foo', foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints 'bar'
.define('foo', 'bar');
// NOTE: the order of consume/define does not matter
// create consumer component
.consume('foo', (foo, runtime) => {
console.log(foo); // prints 'faa'
runtime.define('qoo', 'qaa'); // can consume and produce new data
.consume('qoo', (qoo, runtime) => {
console.log(qoo); // prints 'qaa'
runtime.define('woo', Promise.resolve('waa')); // can use async promise
// start chain reaction here
.define('foo', 'faa')
// lets produce multiple events via event emitter
.consume('woo', (woo, runtime) => {
console.log(woo); // prints waa
// define as event emitter
const roo = runtime.define('roo');
// simulate async flow with two event emitted
setImmediate(() => {
// generate multiple events'raa1');'raa2');
// validate
.consume('roo', roo => {
console.log(roo); // prints raa1 and raa2
// consume multiple topics
.consume(['foo', 'qoo'], input => {
console.log(; // prints faa
console.log(input.qoo); // prints qaa
// can consume inside consume
.consume('foo', (foo, runtime) => {
console.log(foo); // prints faa
runtime.consume('qoo', qoo => {
console.log(input.qoo); // prints qaa
// or
flow.consume('qoo', qoo => {
console.log(input.qoo); // prints qaa
// can generate multiple events using pub
.define('doo', runtime => {'daa1');'daa2');'daa3');
.consume('doo', doo => {
console.log(doo); // prints daa1, daa2, daa3
// NOTE: we can consume first event via promise if we are not interested in the rest
flow.consume('doo').then(doo => {
console.log(doo); // prints daa1
// for debug you can listen to all events
flow.consume('*', evt => {
console.log(`Event type: ${}, data: ${}`);
const base = new Flow();
base.define('foo', 'bar')
const flow = new Flow(base);
flow.consume('foo', foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints bar
You can also make them depend on each other
const base = new Flow();
base.consume('shared', (_, rt) => {
rt.define('foo', 'bar');
const flow = new Flow(base);
flow.consume('foo', foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints bar
flow.define('shared', ''); // trigger the chain
The promise chain may be hard to figure out where it is blocked. Oja allows to set a timeout for the given topics and upon the timeout would provide an error message listing topics that have not been resolved yet.
.timeout(['foo', 'bar'], 300) // 300 ms
.define('bar', 'boo')
.catch(err => {
console.log(err.message); // prints "Topic/s (foo) timed out, pending topics (too)"
Oja provides a current status of topcis that have not been resolved
.define('bar', 'boo');
console.log(flow.state()); // prints [foo, too]
flow.define('error', new Error('Boom'));
// or
flow.define('error', Promise.reject(new Error('Boom')));
// or
flow.define('data', () => {
return new Error('Boom');
// or
flow.define('data', runtime => { Error('Boom'));
flow.catch(err => {
console.log(err); // prints Boom if linked to the above flow
// Or
flow.consume('error', err => {
console.log(err); // prints Boom if linked to the above flow
The error will prevent further events including error events from publishing.
.define('foo', 'faa')
.define('boo', 'baa')
.define('error', new Error('Boom'))
.define('too', 'taa')
.consume('foo', foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints faa
.consume('boo', foo => {
console.log(foo); // prints baa
.consume('too', too => {
// will never happen
throw new Error('Should never happen');
.catch(err => { // catch error
console.log(err); // print Boom