
Twitter Monitoring Tool, get in real time content of your interest from Twitter to increase the efficiency of your response

Primary LanguagePython

Twitter Monitoring Tool (TMT)

Twitter Monitoring Tool, get in real time content of your interest from Twitter to increase the efficiency of your response


This tool uses Python 3.5.2 version

Python VirtualEnv Setup

Python requisites:

sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
sudo apt-get install -y python3-venv

In the repository directory run:

python3 -m venv tmtenv
source tmtenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Database migration

python manage.py makemigrations tweets
python manage.py migrate

User creation

python manage.py createsuperuser


The program is going to find all tweets that are generated in real time in the Twitter stream that contain the words you provide as input.

Input definition

  • Add Twitter keys:
    • Go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and sign in with your Twitter account
    • Go to Keys and Access Tokens
    • Fill the template keys.py with the four available keys and place it inside tmt/tweets/keys
  • Set keywords to search:
    • Fill the template targets.py following the hints that are given there and place it inside tmt/tweets/input

Test mode

  • Ramp up server
python manage.py runserver 8000
  • Send request to server
curl --max-time 1
  • Depending on the popularity of the keywords in Twitter the tweets will start showing up in the stdout of the server and they will be available in the web application for further postprocessing

Production mode

  • Set DEBUG flag to False in settings.py
  • Set up Postgres database: Follow instructions on docs/set_up_postgres.md
  • Set up Apache server: Follow instructions on docs/set_up_apache.md