logo Needletail Tools

The .Net Core version of Needletail tools, for now only the DataAccess library is compatible with .Net Core 1


A Micro ORM that is fast and easy to use, this version only supports MSSQL.

This version has the following differences with the full Needletail.DataAccess version

  • Missing attributes used by RAW Framework for scaffolding and validation
  • Missing View Models
  • The .Net Core version is only compatible with MSSQL, the full version supports MySQL and SQL CE
  • For now the library only looks for connection strings in the "appsettings.json" file, future versions will be able to find connection strings in any source defined in a Builder
  • Performance compared with EF Core is similar for sync operations but is far more faster than EF Core on async operations, The full Needletail version is a lot of faster than EF 6 and previous in sync and async operations.

Using DataAccess

How to use it.