
An attention-based solution on a long-tailed 3D point cloud dataset

Primary LanguagePython

Long Tail Point Cloud Segmentation

In this project, we adapt the well-known attention mechanism to 3D point cloud segmentation and demonstrate its effectiveness in combination with U-Net-inspired architecture and various long-tail recognition (LTR) techniques on the SCANNET200 dataset.

🎉We were voted as the best by 123 classmates and 29 teams through inter-team evaluation!🎉

Our poster: poster

Environment Setup

Our GPU is a single 4090 with 24GB VRAM

Option 1: Install using anaconda

cd point-transformer
bash conda_env_setup.sh pt

Option 2: Manual installation

  1. Install torch 1.9.0 corresponds to your cuda version (11.1 in our case)

  2. pip install h5py pyyaml sharedarray tensorboardx plyfile

  3.  cd point-transformer/lib/pointops
     python3 setup.py install

    to install custom kernel functions

Dataset Setup for Training

Only place the dataset if you plan to train the model.
Place the train and test set in point-transformer/dataset/scannet200
The directory should look like:

├─ dataset/
│  ├─ scannet200/
│  │  ├─ train/
│  │  │  ├─ scene0000_00.ply
│  │  │  ├─ ...
│  │  ├─ test/
│  │  │  ├─ scene0500_00.ply
│  │  │  ├─ ...
│  │  ├─ train_split.txt
│  │  ├─ val_split.txt
│  │  ├─ test_split.txt


cd point-transformer
bash train.sh


Option 1: Ensemble with five models (24.2 mIoU)

Since we use five models as ensemble voting classifier, we provide five different weights to download.
Follow the procedure to repreduce the results: \

  1. cd point-transformer \
  2. For i in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]:
    a. bash download{i}.sh
    "${1}" is the path to test set folder (e.g., ./dataset/test)
    "${2}" is the path to test.txt (e.g., ./dataset/test.txt)
    "${3}" is the path to output folder (e.g., ./submission)
    b. bash inference.sh $1 $2 $3
    c. Move the output folder (e.g., ./submission) into ../Ensemble/all_submissions
  3. cd ../Ensemble
  4. Run python3 Ensemble.py
  5. The result is in Ensemble/ensemble_results

Option 2: Use the best single model (23.4 mIoU)

"${1}" is the path to test set folder (e.g., ./dataset/test)
"${2}" is the path to test.txt (e.g., ./dataset/test.txt)
"${3}" is the path to output folder (e.g., ./submission)


cd point-transformer
bash download0.sh
bash inference.sh $1 $2 $3