
Sample Rails 2.3 apps showing usage of Paperclip + S3 on Heroku

Paperclip + S3 on Heroku


  • Add a .gems file with the “right_aws” gem

  • Insert your S3 credentials in config/s3.yml

  • Provide S3 related options when calling has_attached_file

A few things to notice

  • Pay special attention when copying code from tutorials. Some text converting filters like Textile and SmartyPants will convert “100x100” to “100×100” (notice how the “x” character was converted to ASCII 215, which will be passed to ImageMagick and cause a failure).

  • Paperclip by default swallows STDERR when calling ImageMagick, making it hard to debug problems with its binaries. To avoid this behavior you might want to disable it with:

    Paperclip.options = false