
Projeto ASP.NET Core Enterprise: Solução Microsserviços .NET Core 6 com 7 APIs, arquitetura escalável, autenticação JWT, e padrão MVC para interações. Licença MIT. Veja mais no GitHub DesenvolvedorIO.

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ASP.NET Core Enterprise Applications

ASP.NET Core Enterprise Applications - DesenvolvedorIO

This GitHub repository contains a Microservices Solution built on .NET Core 6, consisting of 7 APIs that collectively form a robust and scalable architecture for various business operations. The solution leverages Microservices architecture, Repository Pattern, JWT Authentication, and AMQP-based integration services for seamless communication between the APIs. Additionally, it includes an Identity and JWT generation Authentication API and a Back-For-Front API, along with a client application following the MVC pattern.

📋 Table of Contents

The ASP.NETCoreEnterpriseApplications Solution has a modular structure, with each API residing in its own project. The core components are:

  • NSE.Carrinho.API: Handles shopping cart-related operations.
  • NSE.Catalogo.API: Manages product catalog and related functionalities.
  • NSE.Cliente.API: Handles customer information and accounts.
  • NSE.Pagamento.API: Provides payment processing services.
  • NSE.Pedido.API: Manages order processing and fulfillment.
  • Authentication API: Provides user identity management and JWT token generation.
  • Back-For-Front API: Serves as a middleware layer to simplify communication between the client and the backend microservices.
  • Client Application: An MVC-based client application to interact with the microservices.

  • NSE.Carrinho.API: Manages shopping cart operations and related data.
  • NSE.Catalogo.API: Manages product catalog and information.
  • NSE.Cliente.API: Manages customer information and authentication.
  • NSE.Pagamento.API: Handles payment processing and transactions.
  • NSE.Pedido.API: Manages the order processing, status, and fulfillment.

Authentication API: Provides user authentication, identity management, and JWT asymmetric token generation for secure access to the microservices.

Back-For-Front API: Acts as an intermediary layer to simplify communication between the client application and the microservices, offering a single entry point for client interactions.

The client application is built using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. It interacts with the APIs to enable users to browse products, manage their shopping cart, place orders, and perform other relevant operations.

This Microservices Solution is released under the MIT License.
Please review the license before using or contributing to this project.