This is an implementation of the SAE-3DDRN network presented in "A combination method of stacked autoencoder and 3D deep residual network for hyperspectral image classification"

Primary LanguagePython


This is an implementation of the SAE-3DDRN network presented in "A combination method of stacked autoencoder and 3D deep residual network for hyperspectral image classification". This implementation is purely based on the paper without any access to the originally implemented network.

Tested with

  • Python 3.8 and 3.9
  • NumPy 1.21.2
  • Pytorch 1.9.0
  • SciPy 1.7.1
  • MatPlotLib 3.4.3
  • Tqdm 4.62.1
  • Using both CPU and GPU

Run the SAE-3DDRN

Please set your parameters in config.yaml, train.py or test.py before running them. More importantly, every experiment needs to have a different name. For more information, see section "Config file".

To train, run:

# Trains network multiple times (see parameters in file)
python3 train.py

To test, run:

# Tests all runs saved in a given directory
python3 test.py

About datasets

To download the datasets, please use the script ./download_datasets.sh. These datasets and others can be found here. The used datasets for this implementation are: PaviaU, Indian Pines and Salinas.

File structure

The ./datasets directory stores all datasets once they have been downloaded. All experiment-related data is stored in ./experiments once a train or test is run. The ./net directory has the architectures of the networks and their building blocks. Lastly, the ./utils directory contains multiple other implementations used in the training and testing of the networks, as well as IO functions. It also contains scripts related to the tests, as described below.

In ./utils, the script model_from_checkpoint.py can be used to extract a network model file (with all network parameters) from one of the checkpoints stored for a specific experiment in ./experiments/<some_experiment>/checkpoints/. The script dataset_histograms.py was used to generate the histograms for all datasets in Chapter 6 of the master thesis. The remaining two scripts, extract_results.py and extract_noise_results.py, use the test data stored in ./experiments/<some_experiment>/results/ to generate the table data and the figures displayed in the master thesis.

Config file

This file is divided in sections related to the dataset, network and additional options.

Dataset Section

Contains the parameters related to the dataset, train-test split, and the experiment.

dataset (string)

  • Desired dataset. Can be PaviaU, IndianPines or Salinas

experiment (string)

  • Name for the experiment, which will be used to save load all information

data_folder (string)

  • Default value: './datasets/'
  • Directory where the desired dataset is kept

exec_folder (string)

  • Default value: './experiments/'
  • Directory where to keep all the experiment data

split_folder (string)

  • Default value: 'data_split/'
  • Where to store dataset splits

val_split (float)

  • Fraction from the dataset used for validation [0, 1]

train_split (float)

  • Fraction from the dataset used for training [0, 1]

generate_samples (boolean)

  • Whether the samples should be generated (False to load previously saved samples)

max_samples (integer or null)

  • Maximum amount of training samples per class (null for no limit)

The most important things to be edited are the dataset name, experiment name, and the train-val-test split. The other options are simply directory locations, which can stay with their default values.

Network Section

The second section contains the network's hyperparameter.

train_batch_size (integer)

  • Default value: 128
  • Batch size for every train iteration

test_batch_size (integer)

  • Default value: 64
  • Batch size for every test iteration

sample_size (integer)

  • Default value: 25 *Window size for every sample/pixel input

num_runs (integer)

  • Default value: 10
  • The amount of time the whole experiment should run

num_epochs (integer)

  • Default value: 50
  • Number of epochs per run

learning_rate (float)

  • Default value: 0.01
  • Initial learning rate

betas (float list)

  • Default value: [0.9, 0.999]
  • Betas for Adam optimizer

weight_decay (float)

  • Default value: 1e-4
  • The weight decay for the optimizer

gamma (float)

  • Default value: 0.1
  • Gamma parameter for the lr scheduler

drop_out (float)

  • Default value: 0.4
  • Drop out parameter for the 3DDRN network

Stacked Autoencoder Section

This section has the network hyperparameters for the SAE. The list parameters can have different sizes. The size of these lists is the number of layers of the SAE and every item in these lists refers to the parameters of a specific layer. Therefore, all list parameters (except betas) need to have the same size.

sae_hidden_layers (integer list)

  • Default values: [80, 60, 40, 10]
  • Number of channels for each of the hidden layers of the SAE

sae_train_batch_size (integer)

  • Default values: 200
  • Batch size for every train iteration

sae_test_batch_size (integer)

  • Default values: 50
  • Batch size for every test iteration

sae_num_epochs (integer list)

  • Default values: [15, 12, 10, 8]
  • Number of epochs for every autoencoder

sae_learning_rate (float list)

  • Default values: [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]
  • Initial learning rate for every autoencoder

sae_betas (float list)

  • Default values: [0.9, 0.999]
  • Betas of Adam optimizer for the stacked autoencoder

sae_weight_decay (float)

  • Default values: 1e-4
  • The weight decay for the optimizer for the stacked autoencoder

sae_gamma (float)

  • Default values: 0.1
  • Gamma parameter for the lr scheduler for the stacked autoencoder

sae_scheduler_step (integer list)

  • Default values: [1000, 600, 500, 300]
  • Step size for the lr scheduler for every autoencoder

Extra Section

The last section contains extra options, as shown below

test_best_models (boolean)

  • Default value: True
  • Whether to test the best model of each run

use_checkpoint (boolean)

  • Default value: False
  • Whether to load a checkpoint during training

results_folder (string)

  • Default value: 'results/'
  • Folder where to write the validation and test results

checkpoint_folder (string)

  • Default value: 'checkpoints/'
  • Folder where to keep checkpoints

checkpoint_file (string or null)

  • Default value: null
  • What checkpoint file to load (null for the latest)

delete_checkpoints (boolean)

  • Default value: True
  • Delete checkpoints after successfully training the network (saves storage)

print_frequency (integer)

  • Default value: 40
  • The amount of iterations between every step/loss print

Once every parameter has been setup, the train or test can be started with the lines provides above.

Obtaining test results

Once the train is complete, the models that obtained the best validation accuracies will be stored in its experiment directory ./experiments/<experiment_name>/runs/. After this directory has successfully been initialized after a train, its models can be tested with the line presented above. The test scrip tests the last experiment by default, but this can be changed by editing the variable CONFIG_FILE in ./test.py.

When an experiment is tested, all the results are stored in the directory ./experiments/<experiment_name>/results/. The results can be directly accessed in this location, or obtained using the script ./utils/extract_results.py, which will calculate the average and variance of the results for all trained models in this experiment.

The script noise_test.py is made to use multiple experiments and test them with different amounts of noise. For that, it uses two global variables, EXPERIMENTS and NOISES, which are lists containing the names of the experiments and the types and amounts of noise, respectively. After these two variables have been correctly set to the desired experiments and noises, the script can be run with

# Tests all experiments provided in 'EXPERIMENTS' with all noises in 'NOISES'
python3 noise_test.py

After this, the figures with the results of these noise tests can be generated with the script ./utils/extract_noise_results.py. In this script, the desired datasets, networks, test cases, and noise types must be specified.