
These files are used to generate the docker images used by Gitlab CI

MIT LicenseMIT

Codeminer42 Ruby Image for CI builds

Docker Ruby images used by Gitlab CI.


The following dependencies are being installed on all images:

  • Node.js v4.4.7 and npm
  • PhantomJS v1.9.8
  • Qt v5 and Xvbf (only on CRuby images)


We currently have images for the following Rubies.

CRuby images

JRuby images


Dockerfiles are stored under folders for each version.

For updating the images, just open a pull request with the new Dockerfile version and, after accepted, Docker Hub will build automatically after a few minutes.

The images should setup an environment that is widely used, please don't install dependencies that are specific to a project. It's also good to have a pattern and all images support the same things, why a ruby version would use PhantomJS and the other doesn't?