
This repository shows how to implement a infinite scroll component on angular. The component is implemented in here and an example of use is shown here


Infinite Scroll Component

    wrapperClass='string | string[]'
    <ng-template appInfiniteScrollItem let-item>
      <div class="item">
        {{ item }}


Name Type Default Value Description
items any[] [] An array of items that will be provided to the template marked with the directive appInfiniteScrollItem in the default variable "item" (view the example).
scrolledPastThreshold EventEmitter<void> - This event is emmitted every time the user scrolls past the percentThreshold. This event can be fired many times make sure to only call the data provider API only if the application isn't loading a page already otherwise the api will be called many times (view the example).
percentThreshold number 80 The minimum percetange of the height of the element before the scrolledPastThreshold begins to be called.
isLoading boolean false When true will show a loading spinner as the last element of the list
trackBy Function - Required. A trackBy function to be used with the ngFor inside the component
wrapperClass string | string[] - Classes to be added to the wrapper element