
Code and data for RetroGAN ACL Paper.

Primary LanguagePython


Code for paper: RetroGAN: A Cyclic Post-Specialization System for Improving Out-of-Knowledge and Rare Word Representations coming out in ACL FINDINGS 2021.

Getting Started

  1. Create an environment with conda

    conda create -n retrogan python=3.8

  2. Activate the environment

    conda activate retrogan

  3. Install requirements:

    cd Code

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. Run experiments:

    python retrogan_trainer.py --epochs 150 ../Data/ft_all_unseen.txt ../Data/ft_all_unseen_retrofitted.txt retrogan_nb_full_50epochs_alllosses models/retrogan_nb_full_50epochs_alllosses

Parameter Tuning

To run the parameter fine tuning, after installing the requirements, run:

python rg_ray_parameter_tuning.py

NOTE: It may be the case that you run into an error with the msgpack library (something about an unknown argument), if that is the case, uninstall, and reinstall the msgpack libary:

pip uninstall msgpack

pip install msgpack


You can also run the ablation, full/disjoint, and percentage tests that were reported in the paper with the respective scripts:

  • ablationtests.sh
  • full_and_oov_tests.sh
  • oovtests.sh

Expected results

Here is a table with the expected results: Results

Ablation study results

One by one removal

Here is a higher resolution version of the plots given in ablation study. r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 These results can be generated by running the script:

cd Scripts

sh ablationtests.sh

Toggling of losses

Here is a higher resolution version of the plots given in the toggle ablation study r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 These results can be generated by running the script:

cd Scripts

sh ablationtests-2.sh
