
The application basically provides a CRUD for books. A REST service was build to provide the backend features and the frontend there is JQuery client.

Primary LanguageCSS


The application basically provides a CRUD for books. A REST service was build to provide the backend features and the frontend there is JQuery client.

* Java 1.8
* Spring boot
* Bootstrap
* Jquery 
* Datatables 
* Dropzone
* Bootstrap-notify
* Jquery.rest
* Postgresql

The application is using JPA and only standard SQL so if you want you can plug any database to this application, as long as you place its diver on the pom.xml.


Set the database credentials on the application.properties

spring.datasource.url= jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/bookstore

Hibernate is set to spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=update update the database when the server is started so in order to create the tables you just have to create the database and it will create all the tables for you.

On the project directory run mvn clean install exec:java spring boot will start an embedded tomcat running on the 8080 port.