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The frontend-app is gotten from : The project produces an only jar using maven spring-boot, that is you can implement java backend services, together the angular client developed in typescript (angular-cli). Download the zip of this branch or clone the git repo.
- 05/03/2018 added spring boot jar child process mode running in electron app
- 05/03/2018 added express server external process in electron app to live angular app built
- 02/03/2018 refer to resolved Issue 1 related the routing of single page app in spring boot tomcat server
- 02/03/2018 a feature that integrates an embedded spring-boot rest web service that uses mongodb with the front-end application (in development on feature/integration-mongodb branch)
- 02/03/2018 added example on how implement a rest web service with spring-boot that uses mongodb (feature/webservice-mongodb branch)
- 18/10/2017 added example on how implement a rest web service with spring-boot that uses h2 database embedded (feature/h2 branch)
- Integrate mongodb (and h2) and webservice in spring-boot
- Integrate mongodb (and h2) and webservice in node express server
- Use embedded node for express in electron:
- Use embedded jre for jar in electron
- Use electron packager to produce an exe (windows:
The project is used to develop the client in the frontend-app folder with the angular-cli, and the java backend with the maven spring boot project configured. For this, import your client (frontend-app) in the angular/typescript IDE (i.e. visual studio code) and your maven java backend in Eclipse.
The steps to build the jar are defined in the pom.xml file. The project builds the frontend with the output folder frontend-app/dist and copies it in the target/classes/static folder in order to load the client in the spring boot home page together the java services. The port information is stored in src/main/resources/ file in the server.port property.
- Add npm script in your front-end package.json project with @angular/cli devDependency as:
"name": "md-free-angular-cli",
"version": "1.4.1",
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve",
"build": "ng build",
"": "ng build --prod",
"test": "ng test",
"lint": "ng lint",
"e2e": "ng e2e"
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"devDependencies": {
"@angular/cli": "1.4.2",
JDK 8 (set JAVA_HOME environment variable)
The Node.js version compatible with your angular app
MAVEN (to use mvn command else use in windows ./mvnw.cmd or in linux ./mvnw instead)
IDE ( i.e. Eclipse for java and visual studio code for typescript/angular projects)
Execute in the main folder of this repo, if you have already built the frontend and there is the generated code in frontend-app/dist :
mvn clean spring-boot:run
mvn clean spring-boot:run -Pbuild-ui
Open browser on localhost:8081:
If you have already built the frontend (i. e. after develop on visual studio code) and you have the generated code of the ng build in frontend-app/dist, execute in the main folder of this repo:
mvn clean package
If you want to build also the frontend, run:
mvn clean package -Pbuild-ui
After all cases run:
java -jar target/*.jar
Open browser on localhost:8081
After built your front-end app with the -Pbuild-ui profile (or with npm run command under frontend-app folder), run in the electron-app folder these commands:
- npm install
- npm start
App in electron:
In this way a express server child process is run in the electron container. You can read log in its window with F1 keyword.
Express log in electron:
After generated your spring boot jar with mvn clean package, run in the electron-jar folder these steps:
- npm install
- copy the app.jar under target in electron-jar folder
- npm start
In this way spring boot jar start as child process in the electron container. You can read log in its window with F1 keyword.
Spring Boot log in electron:
Create an account on keroku (
After install the heroku-cli
npm install -g heroku-cli
heroku plugins:install heroku-cli-deploy
heroku create spring-boot-angular-app2 --no-remote
To deploy the jar file, execute in the main folder of this repo:
heroku deploy:jar target/app.jar --app spring-boot-angular-app2
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