Campsite Availabilities

Get a list of dates for a given campsite based on a start date and end date.

URL : /api/v1/campsite/:campsiteId/availabilities?startDate&endDate

URL Parameters :

Param Type Required Description
campsiteId number true ID of the Campsite that the user is interested.

Query Parameters :

Param Type Required Description
startDate date yyyy-MM-dd false If not provided the default value will be today;
endDate date yyyy-MM-dd false If not provided the default value will be today plus one month;

Method : GET

Success Response :

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

For a campsiteId = 1 and startDate = 2018-11-15 and endDate 2018-11-20


For a campsiteId = 1 and startDate = invalid and endDate 2018-11-20

    "Start date is not in a valid format yyyy-MM-dd."

Campsite Booking

Create a new booking for a campsite

URL : /api/v1/campsite/:site_id/booking

URL Parameters :

Param Type Required Description
campsiteId number true ID of the Campsite that the user is interested.

Method : POST

Request Body :

  "firstName": "Pedro",
  "lastName": "Coelho Torres",
  "email": "",
  "startDate": "2018-11-15",
  "endDate": "2018-11-17"

Success Response :

Condition : If everything all the conditions are met.

Code : 201 CREATED

Content example

    "bookingId": 2,
    "bookingCode": "D7LP4W2018",
    "camperName": "Pedro Coelho Torres", 
    "status": "CONFIRMED", 
    "startDate": "2018-11-19", 
    "endDate": "2018-11-20"

Error Response :

Condition : If fields are missed or inconsistencies on the values.

Code : 400 BAD REQUEST

Content example

    "First name is required."

Booking Operations

URL : http://localhost:9090/api/v1/campsite/booking/:bookingCode

URL Parameters :

Param Type Required Description
bookingCode string true Alphanumeric booking code.

Method : GET

Success Response :

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

For a bookingCode = D7LP4W2018

  "results": {
    "bookingId": 2,
    "bookingCode": "D7LP4W2018",
    "camperName": "Pedro Coelho Torres",
    "status": "CONFIRMED",
    "startDate": "2018-11-19", 

Error Response :

Code : 404 Not Found

For a bookingCode = 000000

  "errors": [
      "The booking 000000 was not found."
  "status": 404

Method : PUT

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

For a bookingCode = D7LP4W2018

Request Body :

  "firstName": "Pedro",
  "lastName": "Coelho Torres",
  "email": "",
  "startDate": "2018-11-20",
  "endDate": "2018-11-22"

Success Response :

  "results": {
    "bookingId": 2,
    "bookingCode": "D7LP4W2018",
    "camperName": "Pedro Coelho Torres",
    "status": "CONFIRMED",
    "startDate": "2018-11-20", 

Error Response :

Code : 404 Not Found

For a bookingCode = 000000

  "errors": [
      "The booking 000000 was not found."
  "status": 404

URL : http://localhost:9090/api/v1/campsite/booking/:bookingCode/cancel

Method : PUT

Code : 200 OK

Content examples

For a bookingCode = D7LP4W2018

Success Response :


Error Response :

Code : 404 Not Found

For a bookingCode = 000000

  "errors": [
      "The booking 000000 was not found."
  "status": 404

Running application

mvn clean install spring-boot:run A http server will be started at the http port 9090.


  1. Not allow a modification of a booking that was already cancelled.
  2. Adds a comprehensive unit tests coverage, specially on the services.
  3. Adds integration tests for all endpoints.
  4. Improve bossiness validation rules. Currently, the validations are quite "messy", Bean Validation would be a better approach.
  5. Reduce dependencies on BookingService. The service is doing certain behaviours not directly related to its responsibility.
  6. Improve JSON serialization with jackson. Vertx does not accept certain types to be parsed within the proxy calls. Some time need to be spent in order figure that out.
  7. Adds swagger in order to better document all the endpoints.
  8. Deploy application on a could provider (heroku) so stress tests could be performed to guarantee the resilience of the solution.