
Coding challenge for Frontend developers

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🚀 Crewmeister coding challenge - Frontend (React)

Hello and thanks in participating in the crewmeister coding challenge. This coding exercise will help us get a better feeling about your coding process.

If you have any questions, we're happy to help you. Reach the devs at challenge@crewmeister.com.


At Crewmeister we like to work closely with our clients, listening to their demands and developing solutions for their problems. One of the most requested features is a way for company owners to manage sickness and vacations of employees.

We decided to implement this feature for our clients and we are calling it the Absence Manager.

Product Requirements

  • I want to see a list of absences including the names of the employees.
  • I want to see the first 10 absences, with the ability to paginate.
  • I want to see a total number of absences.
  • For each absence I want to see:
    • Member name
    • Type of absence
    • Period
    • Member note (when available)
    • Status (can be 'Requested', 'Confirmed' or 'Rejected')
    • Admitter note (when available)
  • I want to filter absences by type.
  • I want to filter absences by date.
  • I want to see a loading state until the list is available.
  • I want to see an error state if the list is unavailable.
  • I want to see an empty state if there are no results.
  • (Bonus) I can generate an iCal file and import it into outlook.

Your Mission

Create the React application that satisfies all must-have requirements above, plus any nice-to-have requirements you wish to include.

We provided a couple of JSON files with the mock data necessary to implement the screens, you can use the files straight into the frontend or create a small API (bonus), it's your choice.

You can use any boilerplate/approach you prefer (nextjs, create react app, ...), but try to keep it simple. We encourage you to use your favorite tools and packages to build a solid React application.

You can assume that you do not have to support legacy browsers. Feel free to use modern features such as fetch or flexbox.

(bonus) Host the website on the service of your choice (Heroku, AWS, GCloud, ...).

Optional: build the project and deploy (ie make it available as a static project) on Github Pages, otherwise please provide detailed instructions on how to start the project locally.

Tech Requirements

  • React
  • Tests: Jest + react-testing-library / enzyme
  • Code Linter
  • Redux is a plus.
  • Typescript is a plus.
  • CSSinJS is a plus: styled-components, styled-system, ...


  • Fork this repo
  • The challenge is on!
  • Build a performant, clean and well-structured solution.
  • Commit early and often. We want to be able to check your progress.
  • Include instructions on how to run your project.
  • Please complete your working solution within 7 days of receiving this challenge.
  • Whenever you're done please create a PR against this repo.

We'll review your submission as soon as possible. Key-points we're going to review:

  • Naming (files, functions, components, ...).
  • Tests.
  • Code structure, readability, performance and consistency.
  • function lengths.
  • Commits + commit messages.
  • Clean code.

An essential part of the challenge is also coming up with your own solutions and making reasonable assumptions about the implementation of the acceptance criteria.

That's it!

Happy coding!