
Crawler application and model deployment pipeline with CI/CD using Github Actions and Cloud Formation.

Primary LanguagePython



In this challenge we developed a crawler application which retrieves information about how many times a link was referenced in another page and save this information in a database. After that, we enriched each link with features of themself. With this features, we made a model to predict references of a link and serves this model in a REST API.


  1. Develop a Crawler that saves link references in a database;
  2. Develop an API do get features of links (if the link already exists use it features, else create then);
  3. Train a Random Forest that predict link references;
  4. Deploy this model and serves with an API.



Understanding the repository

+-- .github
|   +-- workflows
|       +-- cicd.yaml: CI/CD pipeline for Github Actions
+-- app
|   +-- batch_event
|       +-- test
|           +-- lambda_test.py: Unit tests of lambda_batch_event.py
|       +-- lambda_batch_event.py: Application that was triggered when put csv file inside the s3 bucket and send the links to SQS
|       +-- requirements.txt: python requirements for this lambda
|   +-- entrypoint
|       +-- test
|           +-- lambda_test.py: Unit tests of lambda_entrypoint.py
|       +-- lambda_entrypoint.py: Application used as backend of API Gateway for get/create features of a link
|       +-- requirements.txt: python requirements for this lambda
|   +-- feature_generation
|       +-- test
|           +-- lambda_test.py: Unit tests of lambda_feature_generation.py
|       +-- lambda_feature_generation.py: Application that generates features and put then into Dynamodb
|       +-- requirements.txt: python requirements for this lambda
|   +-- processing
|       +-- test
|           +-- lambda_test.py: Unit tests of lambda_processing.py
|       +-- lambda_processing.py: Application that find all links referenced in a page and add its to dynamo
|       +-- requirements.txt: python requirements for this lambda
+-- predict
|       +-- test
|           +-- lambda_test.py: Unit tests of lambda_batch_event.py
|       +-- lambda_predict.py: Application used as backend of API Gateway to predict appearances of a link
|       +-- requirements.txt: python requirements for this lambda
+-- dockerfiles
|   +-- lambda_batch_event.dockerfile: Dockerfile with the application that we will deploy in Lambda Container
|   +-- lambda_entrypoint.dockerfile: Dockerfile with the application that we will deploy in Lambda Container
|   +-- lambda_feature_generation.dockerfile: Dockerfile with the application that we will deploy in Lambda Container
|   +-- lambda_processing.dockerfile: Dockerfile with the application that we will deploy in Lambda Container
|   +-- lambda_predict.dockerfile: Dockerfile with the application that we will deploy in Lambda Container
+-- infra
|   +-- infra.yaml: IaaC contaning all resources required for our application
+-- model_training
|   +-- data.json: Data generate by crawler
|   +-- model_appearance.joblib: Model artifact used to predict
|   +-- model_training.ipynb: Notebook used to train and save the model
+-- README.md


  • The depth of crawler search was defined as 3. You can change this at infra.yaml (inside the BatchEvent Resource);
  • I used only a few link to create the database because I don't want to be charged by AWS and DynamoDB has a limit of throughput of 5 in the free-tier (for read and write);
  • After crawler finished, I used the export to S3 function of DynamoDB and downloaded the data to train the model in my local machine.

Configuring in your account

To use this application in your account you should follow the following steps:

  1. Fork this repository;
  2. Add your AWS credentials in Github Secrets (How to get AWS Credentials and How to add Github Secrets);
  3. Change the nome of the two buckets in infra.yaml for unique names (try to put an identifier after the proposed name like: crawler-bucket-model-<'yourname'>);
  4. Make a commit to start the CI CD pipeline;
  5. Wait Github actions finish;
  6. When all the steps were completed, access your AWS account in sa-east-1 region;
  7. (OPTIONAL) Search for S3 and enters in crawler-ml-challenge (or the name you choose, if you change this in infra.yaml);
  8. (OPTIONAL) Creates a folder called inputs/ and upload a csv file with each link you want to start the crawler in one line, e.g:
  1. (OPTIONAL) This upload will start the crawling process. You can follow the progress at SQS, looking at Messages available option in the menu of your queue. When it decreases to zero, it means that crawler process finished;
  2. To uses the predict route of API Gateway, you need to search again for S3 and enters in bucket-model;
  3. Download the model here and upload it to the bucket;
  4. Go to the crawler-predict-appearances Lambda and change de enviroment variable MODEL_NAME to the model that you uploaded in S3;
  5. Finished! Now you can use the API!

Future works

All this work was developed with free-tiers components in order to reduce costs. For future works we can do:

  1. Change DynamoDB ProvisionedThroughput for PAY_PER_REQUEST, in other to scales our application;
  2. Create the buckets in another repository, in order to don't have problems when we need to delete the stack;
  3. Create CI steps to test the integration between components, not only unit tests;
  4. Change Lambda predict to an on-demand instance, in order to reduce cold start.